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单词 fall to 例句大全,用单词fall to造句:

In his absence, the task would fall to the best man.
在他缺席时, 任务可能落到伴郎身上。
Once, accidentally let fall to the ground chemicals, causing the train explosion.
一次, 不小心让化学物品摔落到地上, 引起了火车爆炸。
It will fall to the Senate to adjudicate.
Fiscal deficits have been allowed to rise and interest rates to fall to stimulate aggregate demand.
他们允许财政赤字扩大, 并通过降息刺激总需求。
You can fall to this degree, also alcohol is caused!
你会落到这个地步, 也是酒精引起的!
American people use fall to mean autumn.
Euphonic is with amuse of, the voice also has no to heave and fall too greatly.
语调是随兴的, 声音也没有太大的起伏。
If there are two climbers and they fall together the anchor point may be overloaded and fail.
Love mutually to fall to with the ship anchor man lovers silver
When two dragons soar through the sky, an angel will fall to the earth.
By the year2000 the worlds annual oil output is expected to fall to35 per cent.
Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.
Suppose there was no such force as gravitation, would an apple fall to the ground
假设没有象引力这样一种力量, 苹果还会掉到地上来?
He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage.
Do not sad, not depressed, after heavy rainfall total sun always arise.
不要悲伤, 不要闷闷不乐, 大雨过后总太阳总会出现的。
She rushes to his arms they fall together
The hills around here fall towards the ocean.
Forget, which year that is, fall to bump of arrive at your in front.
忘记了, 那是哪一年, 跌跌撞撞的来到你面前。
A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt.
It will probably fall to my lot to die a bachelor.
He loses his balance and fall to the grind.
他失去平衡, 摔倒在地。
Polar bears on Hudson Bay fast during the summer, waiting for ice to form in the fall to hunt.
Both of them fall to the ground making the Fell Beast miss Frodo.
Even painful have to want to cry, helpless stick some rheumatism to fall to beat a cream!
甚至疼得想哭, 无奈贴点风湿跌打膏!
Forget the past, he told himself, letting the photograph fall to the blue bedspread.
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单词 fall to 释义

  • 单词释义:开始;落到…;被击败;倒在…  [更多..]



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