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单词 fall short of 例句大全,用单词fall short of造句:

And each time I will fall short of Your glory, How far will forgiveness abound?
每一次我都亏缺你的荣耀, 你还会饶恕我多少?
Our achievements always fall short of our aspirations and expectations.
to fall short of the required amount
The most predictable aspect of the Fund is that revenues will fall short of needs.
Now that's something I fall short of on a daily basis.
No spring bloom had done up until the time fall short of months to come.
未见花开春已尽, 待到秋来月又缺。
Even many company directors would fall short of that income bracket.
Now, our supply fall short of demand.
Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand.
幸福无处不在, 可还是供不应求。
Fall short of the target.
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单词 fall short of 释义

  • 单词释义:不足;缺乏;达不到;不符合  [更多..]



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