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单词 for fear of 例句大全,用单词for fear of造句:

To accept exposure as a criminal for fear of being exposed as an illiterate
He stopped practising when he felt tired for fear of accidents.
For fear of accidents, the driver drove very slowly.
因害怕发生事故, 这位司机开得很慢。
Read some of the children for fear of them well, so I added a password.
因为怕一些孩子看了对她们不好, 所以我加了密码。
Someone urged her to take a few dregs of opium, but she refused for fear of addiction.
有人劝她抽两口鸦片, 你丈母又不肯, 怕上瘾。
He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it, for fear of losing face.
He knew he was wrong, but wouldn't admit it for fear of losing face.
He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face.
He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing fa ce.
他知道自己错了, 但却不肯承认错误, 因为怕失去面子。
Paul knew he was wrong, but would not admit it, for fear of losing face.
保罗知道自己错了, 可又不愿承认这一点, 唯恐有失体面。
People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.
Do you notice your partner walking on eggshells for fear of angering you?
He didn't answer for fear of hurting her.
He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.
For Fear of the Fire Joan of Arc and the Limits of Subjectivity.
He protected the baby with one arm for fear of its getting hurt.
I did not know, but refrained from asking any further questions at present, for fear of irritating Lupin.
I automatically halted my pen, for fear of scaring it away.
我手中的笔不觉停了, 生怕惊跑它。
For fear of losing the ring, he did not leave the sight of the moment to backpack.
The tiger was baffled and dared not take a chance for fear of a hidden mystery.
Be forced to stay off the street at night for fear of being bailed up
for fear of upsetting the simple faith of more traditional believers.
For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath.
He couldn't breathe for fear of splitting it.
He is going to move for fear of bumping into Rayne again.
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单词 for fear of 释义

  • 单词释义:为了避免,害怕  [更多..]



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