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单词 take place 例句大全,用单词take place造句:

On passenger ships, an abandon ship drill and fire drill shall take place weekly.
Moreover, the abortion debate cannot and should not take place in a vacuum.
The trial take place in the absence of the defendant.
Under this assertion, development cannot take place in the absence of social stability.
这个意见认为, 没有社会安定, 发展就无法进行。
The causation and countermeasure on acariasis take place in farm of silkworm eggs
The schedule of events as you call it has been tweaked again to allow more impact and produce a wider acceptance of what will take place.
When this accident take place is still unknown.
The field will be marked off in accordance with the special track events which will take place tomorrow.
This is a big mistake, accusing us of an action that did not take place.
以根本没有发生的行为来指控我们, 这是天大的错误。
Allrounder cant take place of perseverance. Its ubiquitousness that an allrounder cant achieve succeed.
The action of adapalene combats the changes that take place in acne.
The action was supposed to take place in the depths of the English countryside.
Reform will take place actively and steadily in matters concerning the establishment of the joint share system and the joint stock cooperative system.
The doer of the dangerous offence prevents the take place of the criminal results, which can be regarded the break off of the actual damage offence.
The keynote address and summit discussions will take place all day on Wed.
The discussion will have to take place with other parties on whether that money is adequate, he said.
他说, 必须与其他各方商讨资金是否够用。
Adopt high scientific fiber material to take place of steel wire bead, to make tyre foldng.
采用高科技纤维材料代替钢丝圈, 使轮胎可折叠。
The Yukon Arctic Ultra is the ultimate human powered adventure race, which will take place in the Y.T. of Canada.
Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as advertised.
Advocacy can also take place outside the courtrooms, in arbitrations or in tribunals.
Take place here what affair, why fight so and loudly ?
这里发生了什麽事情, 为什麽吵得这麽大声?
Most global opium and morphine seizures take place in the countries neighbouring Afghanistan.
As scheduled, men's javelin is to take place this afternoon.
The briefings, which take place about once a week, belie the agencys gritty image.
Unless otherwise agreed, the arbitration shall take place in U. K.
英文例句大全为您提供take place英文例句大全,take place英文造句,关于take place的英语句子,单词take place怎么造句,take place英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于take place,英语单词take place的句子,单词take place如何造句,take place怎么造句等。

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