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单词 make a living 例句大全,用单词make a living造句:

make a living as a fisherman.
She not absence to make a living with a stranger, also not calculated of that the other people's goes to horizontal put one feet.
她不想和一个陌生人过日子, 更不想到别人之间去横插一脚。
He lost his farmland, so he had to make a living by giving acrobatic performances in the street.
他失去了耕地, 只能靠卖解度日了。
If they were, he would not be able to make a living as an actor.
如果事情发生了, 他将不能作为演员赚钱生活。
If you can blurt out 300 sentences, you can make a living in America.
Anybody who can make a living in show biz has to be clever and talented.
How can people make a living in this arid area
How can people make a living in this arid area.
Fortunately, if you're artistically inclined, you can now make a living using your creative skills and talents.
Locals still make a living off Bahamian lobster, snapper, and conch.
to make a living to eke out the barest of living
That dumb bastard probably couldn't make a living before the war.
这个蠢蛋, 在战前八成儿连口饭都混不上吃呢。
Though he was not dry behind the ears, he had to make a living by himself.
If I can blurt out 300 English sentences , Ican make a living in America.
如果我能脱口而出300句英语, 那么, 我就可以在美国工作
Many people make a living by boarding students.
He had no other ways to make a living, so borrowed money from others.
In Qingcheng Hill, there are still a few people who make a living by carrying goods for others, but their number has diminished.
So you have to make a living cartooning.
Over there, you certainly cannot make a living!
In his childhood, he learned from his father how to make clay figurines to make a living.
He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.
My grandmother sewed and mended clothes for a pittance in order to make a living in the 1920s.
But what about the rest of the coast of the world, where people live and make a living out of fishing?
但是其他有人居住 捕鱼的沿海地方怎么办呢?
He studied gastronomy but cannot make a living as a cook.
The poor widow counted on the government relief to make a living.
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单词 make a living 释义

  • 单词释义:赚钱过活;营生;糊口谋生;谋生  [更多..]



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