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单词 be interested in 例句大全,用单词be interested in造句:

Many parents thought time it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.
那时, 许多父母认为一个男孩对芭蕾感兴趣是不正常的。
We have to be interested in acting as your sole agent.
We should be interested in acting as your sole agent.
Empoli defender Andrea Raggi admits he would be interested in moving to Lazio this summer.
I afraid your father will not be interested in modern films.
Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?
Will you be interested in go to the horse race this afternoon?
And genuinely be interested in who she is, what she does, without his own agenda.
So why should we be interested in aging at all?
Alan, I think you might be interested in meeting Mr Li.
阿伦, 我想你可能愿意认识一下李先生。
From Hefei city, Anhui university, like to play flute and to be interested in reading tour.
来自合肥的安徽大学, 爱好长笛演奏, 喜欢读书和旅游。
Anybody else got any civilian clothes they'd be interested in putting on the table
I mean, nobody seems to be interested in salesmen anymore.
I think you might be interested in my application for the position of secretary.
Its very kind of you to say so. My associate and I will be interested in visiting your factory.
Like to play flute, to be interested in Internet and automobile.
爱好长笛演奏, 喜欢网络和汽车。
Like to flute and Xiao playing, to be interested in tennis ball and ballet.
Why would I even be interested in going to a baseball stadium ?
And it basically shows the percentage of people who indicated they would be interested in giving their organs to donation.
图表基本上显示 表示有兴趣捐赠器官人士 的百分比。
Steve asks each of them if they would be interested in becoming the sole distributor of Malco, the wonder copier.
Disapproving I don't know how anyone could be interested in such a boring book.
Perhaps you'd be interested in reading over our complimentary brochure.
Put a bit of scifi in your writing orthe teenagers wont be interested in it.
在你的作品中加一点科幻, 不然青少年就不会感兴趣。
You'll probably be interested in this handsome electronic clock radio in a walnut cabinet.
We will be interested in the heat capacity of interstellar gases.
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单词 be interested in 释义

  • 单词释义:对…感兴趣;关心  [更多..]



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