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单词 on the one hand 例句大全,用单词on the one hand造句:

On the one hand, an Academy Award is nothing to sneeze at.
On the one hand, he is exactly the sort of saint Pope John Paul approves of: a person imbued with charisma who has achieved enough remarkable feats to keep the faithful talking for a very long time.
On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.
一方面我承认他有天分, 而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。
On the one hand, science and technology advanced socialism.
This on the one hand is advantageous in safeguards consumer's legitimate rights and interests.
On the one hand, it would advise the Government on the restructuring of the Gendarmerie and National Police.
On the one hand, it can be associated with love, affection, and tenderness.
一方面, 它与爱, 爱情和温柔相联系。
On the one hand, there is antagonism, belligerence and repellency between them.
I don't mean divide the world as Asia on the one hand and north America on the other.
For there is, on the one hand, the setting aside of the preceding commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness
On the one hand, bad people and bad things are bad, but on the other they can play a good role.
On the one hand, we will have biological brains greatly expanded through nanobot technology.
On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing imp
就意味着一份好的工作, 然而这是真的吗
Well, on the one hand, we have ionic bonding where we have complete sharing.
On the one hand is the books borrows, mainly includes the books to borrow and to return.
一方面是图书借阅, 主要包括图书的借阅和归还。
On the one hand a dying Empire, Britain.
On the one hand, we should somehow broaden and readjust our understanding of the periphery of the Marxist theory.
On the one hand, language is the carrier of culture.
语言是文化的载体, 文化通过语言而得以传承和发扬光大。
Certain natures cannot love on the one hand without hating on the other.
New ielts speaking training in the channel on the one hand, for you will provide training.
On the one hand, the narration was characterized in proving memorial.
on the one hand, she is a gifted chemist.
一方面, 她是一位很有天分的药剂师。
On the one hand, she is a gifted chemist.
一方面, 她是一位很有天分的化学家。
On the one hand, it is commendable that the Nepalese have chosen to establish a democratic republic as their form of Government.
On the one hand, I can see that this is a pretty cool gadget.
从这方面讲, 我认为它是一个相当出色的小把戏。
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