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单词 work over 例句大全,用单词work over造句:

Winning bidder will be required to work on at least 6 other videos over the next 8 weeks.
中标人须在至少6其他影片的工作, 在未来8周。
On Sustainable Development of the Work of Investigation and Control over Criminal Suspect
Over two years financial work experience, at least one years work experience in taxation.
He concentrated on the work in hand and the noise outside the room simply flowed over him.
Bianca One of my colleague offered his resignation and I was required to take over his work.
我的一个同事辞职了, 我被要求接管他的工作。
All the hard work youve been doing over the past year could now catapult you to a new level.
He concentrated on the work in hand, and the hubbub outside the room simply flowed over him.
他埋头于手头的工作, 室外的吵闹声他简直象没有听见一般。
As we filed out, the crowd filed out with us. Photoop over, their work for the day was done.
The horse is far superior to the camel for every kind of work except traveling over a desert.
The workers stopped work over wage deduction the contractors were struck dumb by their strike.
工人克扣工资而罢工, 而包工们看见他们罢工惊得目瞪口呆。
Newcomers to an organization sometimes get stuck with work over and above their job description.
Article 7. State Council supervisory organs have jurisdiction over the nation's supervisory work.
The artist can have more control over how his work and his own persona is presented to the public.
Although we bent over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work.
The international security context for the work of UNIDIR has changed dramatically over the past year.
Measure to equip to press with work the head cut over automatically, reducing the artificial vibration.
Over the next few years, Einstein continued to work out the details of the Special Theory of Relativity.
Ever since the publication of our work, we've been receiving numerous comments from all over the Internet.
自从发表以来,我们从互联网 收到了无数的评论。
Is going to the geographical features work the farmer, the throwing over rain clothes wear the coolie hat.
在去地里工作的农夫, 披者蓑戴着笠。
Party committees should be acquainted with their work and check up on it, but would not attempt to take it over.
So it can be very dim over there, and you do your work, and it can be very bright over there, and you do your work.
这样你工作的时候有时光线变得昏暗 有时又变得明亮。
To fulfill the aforementioned tasks, it is necessary to strengthen and improve the Partys leadership over the economic work.
After all, should we be expected to hand over to our manager the passwords to our personal email accounts where we gripe to our friends about work
毕竟, 我们应该把个人电子邮件帐户的密码交给经理吗?
In addition to the chiefs of the responsible men put by Solomon to oversee the work, three thousand and three hundred in authority over the workmen.
I had to stay at work an extra hour cuz some customer threw up all over the place. Of course my boss isn’t going to clean it up, so who else but me.
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单词 work over 释义

  • 单词释义:检查;毒打;重做;彻底改变  [更多..]



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