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单词 work over 例句大全,用单词work over造句:

I daren't be late for work again or director will call me over the coals.
Then, once the political campaign of2012 is over, the real work will begin.
British a loose protective smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work.
He continued to work on it for over a year before submitting it to the Salon.
他继续工作, 这一年多来, 然后把它提交给沙龙。
The fine work of the Ivory carving, the Ivory Carving Ball with over 60 layers.
If you enjoy your commute, happiness will spill over into how you fell at work.
If you use the normal lithium battery to work that can over 8 hours than others.
Many collectors are willing to pay over the odds for early examples of his work.
She was always in the same place, always bent industriously over a piece of work.
她总是坐在一个地方, 总是勤勉地伛着身子。
They work over a wide range of campaigns and for many different kinds of clients.
After years of hard work, the brand earned a good reputation all over the country.
经过多年的努力, 该品牌已经驰誉全国了。
This paper is a brief review of the research and development work over past years.
Over the next eight to ten years we should bend all our efforts to educational work.
教育要狠狠地抓一下, 一直抓它十年八年。
Must work as one, pool brains and brawn, has tided over the current this difficulty.
He was so buried in his work that the noise outside the window just washed over him.
The seasons succeed one another, and waves of farm work swept over domestic affection.
季节更迭, 农事的波涛淹没了家庭的慈爱。
Someone sent us a basket at work once and people went crazy over those little muffins.
有一次上班, 别人送我一篮松饼, 结果所有人都很喜欢吃。
The chief procurator exercises unified leadership over the work of the procuratorates.
Because of the law in Ireland, we had to work out a way of getting her over to Britain.
We will tighten supervision over the judicial work and punish corruption in this field.
Larry didn't linger over his work completely, but he did linger over it to some extent.
劳里虽未完全磨洋工, 但多少有一点。
It amounts to a chance to work over a longer period of time with this kind of feedback.
测评提供的这些反馈 应该是为了以后的长期工作提供帮助
Besides the music industry, Leehom has also crossed over work in several movies in Asia.
Such was the work to which Buddha gave himself with unsparing zeal for over forty years.
Understanding how credit cards work and how much balances can cost over time is crucial.
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单词 work over 释义

  • 单词释义:检查;毒打;重做;彻底改变  [更多..]



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