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单词 work over 例句大全,用单词work over造句:

They were raked over the coals for burning out slipshod work.
I try not to let my problems at home carry over into my work.
Over time, her academic work began to spill over into activism.
Sally in accounting likes commiserating about work over coffee.
He is sitting at his desk all hunched over absorbed in his work.
She stood, like a spirit, beside him, and he bent over his work.
她像精灵一样站在他身边, 而他则弯着腰在干活。
Machines have taken over the more mechanical aspects of our work.
The installation over, the town waited to see its bishop at work.
部署既毕, 全城静候主教执行任务。
After the day's work, we sat down over coffee to catch our breath.
白天辛劳工作后, 我们坐下来喝杯咖啡, 放松一下。
Please stand to one side, youre casting your shadow over his work.
请站到一边, 你的影子计划遮住了他的活儿。
Please stand to one side. you're casting your shadow over my work.
The intense research work extending over ten years was culminated.
He did the work so badly that I have to do it all over again myself
他干的太差劲了, 我只好亲自重做
He does his work anyhow, without taking any care or trouble over it.
The office leader handed over the work to our new head blow by blow.
The boss brought the workers over the coals for being late for work.
a loose protective smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work.
Well Work over Technology in Dazhangtuo Underground Gas Storage Bank
I arrive, I teach my classess and I leave as soon as my work is over.
我到达一个地方, 我教授课程, 当我工作结束我离开, 仅此而已。
But, the question reminded him of his work, and he bent over it again.
但是, 这个问题却让他想起了他的工作, 便又埋头忙起活儿来。
Give over, can't you? I can't work with you chattering away like that.
到此为止吧,行吗 你这样聊下去我就没法工作了。
Available to work shift work, with rotating shifts over 24 hours a day
She barely glanced up from her work as he clambered out over the grate.
It was really bad luck on Bob. He had been out of work for over a year.
The work of taking over land for use has been accomplished successfully.
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单词 work over 释义

  • 单词释义:检查;毒打;重做;彻底改变  [更多..]



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