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单词 workshop building 例句大全,用单词workshop building造句:

Building of ancient printing workshop.
Display hangar, workshop building and clubrooms.
展示飞机库, 修理厂和俱乐部。
Combined hoisting of steel structure for workshop building
The east also is a roofed factory building, regard nap as the workshop.
东面也是个平顶厂房, 作为修整车间。
Anticorrosion design for the workshop building of hydrogen chloride coproduct
Cleaning responsible for cleaning the stair of workshop, courtyard, office building.
清洁负责车间楼梯, 大院, 办公楼的卫生管理工作。
Measuring method of overhead crane main beam deformation in closed workshop building and its bottom deflection
Specifically provides small current power distribution for the industry workshop, commercial and industrial building, etc.
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