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单词 Gels 例句大全,用单词Gels造句:

I love that the soft gels are small, so it makes it very easy to sallow.
我爱这款软胶囊, 它小而且非常容易吞咽的。
Synthesis and properties of water soluble acrylic resin used in hair styling gels
Preparation, Structure and Properties of Microencapsulated Alginate Ionotropic Gels
The polarity of solvent showed a greater effect on the ordered structure of the gels.
There are also many very good anti acne skin treatments and gels available these days.
To make it even easier all the gels other than the prep gels are multichannel compatible.
而且, 除了分离胶外的其他所有胶都有多通道的兼容性
The effect of polymerized monomer's movement on the structure of polymer gels was studied.
Use shaving creams and gels before shaving and shave in the direction the hair is growing.
Topical anesthetics are now available as creams, gels, and a heatactivated patch system.
The PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis in agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide.
扩增产物用琼脂糖凝胶电泳, 溴化乙锭染色检测。
However, the stable time of the unpolymerized molecular gels is only from several days to several weeks.
而光聚合前, 分子凝胶的稳定时间一般只有几天到几十天。
Do not use with medicated lotions, creams, gels, ointments, or in combination with other heating devices.
Modern high explosives use either mixtures of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil or ammonium nitratebased water gels.
Run either one or two gels simultaneously on these versatile vertical separation systems from Galileo Bioscience.
With gels and waxes and moisturizers being marketed to males, and magazines singularly dedicated to stories about tighter abs, men are rapidly closing the vanity gap with women.

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