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单词 in the interim 例句大全,用单词in the interim造句:

In the interim, the Obama plan calls for training Afghan security forces on an accelerated schedule.
In the interim, maternal corticosteroid administration should be considered for pregnancies of less than 34 weeks of gestation.
在这期间, 应给予孕龄小于34周的孕妇皮质类固醇。
The practice of reporting in the interim year was first adopted in the previous financial period.
In the interim a dummy input box and button will suffice.
In the interim, high priority should be given to considering cancelling the unsustainable debt of the highly indebted countries.
What will be the position of the king in the interim constitution
在临时宪法中, 国王的地位会怎样呢
In the interim, the Department has continued to expand advertisements of mission vacancies on the United Nations web site.
这其间, 维和部继续扩大在联合国网站上公布特派团空缺。
Despite everything that had happened in the interim, they had remained good friends.
不管在此间所发生的一切, 他们还是好朋友。
But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order.
但是, 在过渡期间, 我们显然有责任维护治安。
But obviously they still can remain extremely useful in the interim.
Papers should not be offered to journals in the interim.
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单词 in the interim 释义

  • 单词释义:在此期间, 与此同时  [更多..]



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