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单词 in essence 例句大全,用单词in essence造句:

In essence, the government was acting as a broker for business.
在本质上, 政府就像一个商业掮客。
What that means in essence is that tiny computer chips, though relatively ' dumb ' on their own, can be added to billions of mundane objects and, thereby, yield substantial economic benefits.
In essence it is humanity's transition from adolescence to maturity.
Actually one is striking first to gain the advantage when one finds oneself in disfavour a means of self protection in essence.
Love is an experience of happy life and aesthetic education is also an education of love in essence.
In essence, they allow you to charge credit cards without having a merchant account.
基本上, 他们让你不必费信用卡商人帐户。
In essence, record linkage allows for the identification of alternate data associations within the entity.
In essence, we are all physical Angels with a giant amnesia problem.
anthocyanin essence.
Although public and private managements are alike in some respects, there are apparent differences between them in essence.
Exchange rate appreciation In essence, the logic is wrong.
汇率升值从本质上讲, 就是错误得逻辑。
In essence to say, transform vijnana into wisdom also is one kind of apprehension action of consciousness.
Similar to public architecture, industrial architecture in essence is also the modeling of space and image.
工业建筑和公共建筑一样, 本质都是空间和形象的塑造。
The two arguments are in essence the same.
Arpeggio is in essence the alternation between fingers plucking the strings in succession.
In essence, they were asking the customers if they wanted more of whatwere already getting.
也就是说, 他们在问顾客是否想要比现在更多的份量。
The relations between the DPRK and Japan are, in essence, those between a victim and an assailant.
In essence, he proved that atoms exist.
Contain essence of papaya magma, a new formula to control, dissolve and remove freckles.
Dignify The Beautiful Skin Essence Series
In essence, that means the tool's behavior is extended as well.
On the problem of Life and Death, it is a problem of belief in essence.
关于生死观的问题, 本质上是一个信仰的问题。
At present, moral dropping and belief losing are mutually exterior and interior in essence.
目前, 道德的失落和信仰的迷失实质上互为表里。
At present, most predictors, in essence, belong to the category of the interpolating prediction.
In essence the ceremony involves the transportation of disturbing emotions into beneficial intuition and wisdom.
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单词 in essence 释义

  • 单词释义:本质上,大体上,其实  [更多..]



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