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单词 in retrospect 例句大全,用单词in retrospect造句:

Only in retrospect can you absolutely realize the meanings of some matters.
In retrospect, I'm not sure I accomplished all that much.
The first part mainly reviews the achievements related to this research in retrospect.
In retrospect, it will be seen as one of the EU's most significant achievements.
将来回顾的话, 这会被视为欧盟走出的极具意义的一步棋。
In retrospect, Mr Jobs was a man ahead of his time during his first stint at Apple.
We seem to appreciate this fact, but only in retrospect.
.In retrospect, this battle was a turning point in the war.
One only needs to look at history to see our capacity for rapid improvement in retrospect.
But he particularly recalled her words of caution, which in retrospect seemed especially ominous.
但是他特别记得她的警告, 这回想起来让他倒吸一口凉气。
Conservation Treatment Prospects Regulating Pi and Protecting Xin Retrospective Cohort Study of Coronary Heart Disease
In retrospect, it's impossible to imagine that Oshima could ever have been comfortable at Shochiku.
Therefore, in retrospect, we can conclude that Zhang Renjie was a man of vision.
回顾历史, 张人杰是一位有远见的人。
Feminism study in retrospect and its contemporary development
Nursing of 28 patients with total cystectomy and Brickers operation was studied in retrospect.
The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect.
回想起来, 这个决定显得极其荒谬。
In retrospect, it was all desperately naive.
现在回头看, 整件事都幼稚得要命。
In retrospect, what would you have done differently
回想看看, 如果是你, 你会有不同做法吗?
Downsizing the military has never been a wise move in retrospect.
In retrospect, it was also felt over the previous three years of life should be easier!
现在回想起来, 还觉得比前三年的日子要更轻松!
In retrospect the elaborate preparations seemed de trop.
回顾繁杂的准备工作, 似乎是多余的
It was odd that in retrospect they both seemed equally dreary.
We often only in retrospect of the past, only because he has realized that the essence.
In retrospect, the past 100 years of human existence have been extremely exciting, and extremely frightening as well.
In retrospect, Termans study was probably flawed.
回顾这些, 特曼的研究可能有疏漏。
In retrospect, it probably should have been two months.
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单词 in retrospect 释义

  • 单词释义:回顾,回顾往事,检讨过去  [更多..]



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