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单词 make up of 例句大全,用单词make up of造句:

The spoken language intercommunication ability is one of the important abilities which make up of the professional ability.
The two parts make up of aesthetic features of critics on classic novel's artistic conception.
Automatic identifying the arbitrary format character string make up of 16 numbers in the text file.
Cos you know New York city is make up of basketball.
At that period, the fitting of the commando swords were make up of 999 Maxican silver.
On the other hand, these rights make up of a correlative synthesis.
同时, 这些权利又构成一个相互关联的综合体, 缺一不可。
All the above policies make up of the origin of American federal governmental manpower policy.
So we found that hardening operation is make up of heating and quench.
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