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单词 stare at 例句大全,用单词stare at造句:

If you stare at others, she accuses you of flirting
你看别人, 挑逗风情
If you stare at onthers, she accuses you of flirting
你看别人, 是勾引挑逗
If you stare at other, she accuses you of flirting.
你看别人, 是挑逗风情。
If you stare at other,she accuses you of flirting.
If you stare at others, she accuses you of flirting.
如果你盯着别的女孩子看, 她会指责你挑逗别人。
If you stare at the other, she accuses you of flirting.
If we stare at outside, we wil be doomed to admire occident trucks.
Stare at the clouds for a full afternoon and dream.
Those two are old enemies who stare at each other in anger whenever they meet.
这两个人是多年的宿敌, 一见面就怒目相视。
When you are angry with people, you stare at them and press your lips together.
当你生别人的气时, 你会怒视他们并且紧闭双唇。
I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling.
我太担心了, 以至于我会在半夜醒来, 盯着天花板。
And I want you to stare at that dot. Don't look anywhere else.
His parents apparently stare at the transparent cigarettes.
stare at it or him.
stare at sth. blankly.
The dad would awkwardly shuffle his newspaper and the mom would shoot a chilling stare at her kid.
I stare at his ID badge.
Why do you stare at me like that? Do you want to beat me?
I dont mind you stare at beautiful girl, but I mind you dont tell me there is a beautiful girl.
You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at its wonderment.
每当你凝视它, 你都能重温旧梦。
In the swimming pool, he likes to stare at the slim girls with bedroom eyes.
在游泳池的时候, 他喜欢色色的盯着那些苗条的女孩子看。
and stare at tasteful, beige wallpaper samples.
Raised om elbow, I stare at the pale fog beyond the window.
用肘撑起, 我凝视窗上的白雾。
Do not stare at me like that.
My eyes have been blind, I can only stare at you in my memory.
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