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单词 go on doing 例句大全,用单词go on doing造句:

If you go on doing this, we won't answer for the consequences.
如果你们继续这样干, 后果我们将不负责。
Mr Serratt defines addiction as something that you go on doing despite the consequences.
塞拉特先生对上瘾的定义是, 不断地做某事而不考虑后果。
Go on doing, go on to do, go on with, continue go on doing sth.
In a sense everything is dreamlike and illusory, but even so, humorously you go on doing things.
虽然万事如梦幻泡影般虚幻, 你还是要幽默地继续做事。
Tony had to push himself to go on doing such dull work.
Tony had to push himselt to go on doing such dull work.
The licensed women can go on doing business, because they pay tax.
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