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单词 as a result 例句大全,用单词as a result造句:

But as a result of a variety of reasons, vinous develops a course a few cases a few fall.
但是由于多种原因, 葡萄酒的发展经过几起几落。
As a result, both propaganda and organizational work are abandoned.
As a result, documents located at the sites relating to the tangible property were abandoned as well.
However, as a result of current production order decreases, investment demand is further also abate.
Neurasthenic when the inhibition as a result of cerebrum ability is abate, also can produce premature ejaculation.
As a result, Mr Abe wisely decided to delay part two of the tax increase.
结果, 安倍明智地决定推迟第二阶段的消费税上调。
As a result, a delay of the aberration correction image processing can be reduced.
As a result, your ability to get work done is often dependent upon your ability to perform research.
因此, 你完成工作的能力通常取决于你的检索能力。
It occurs as a result of something underit which can be abject serious potentially serious.
As a result, the schools are now better able to deal with such tragedies.
And as a result I cannot abide the smell of that Greek liqueur.
We know that women around the world suffer and die as a result of unsafe abortion.
As a result of two weeks absence from work, he lost his job.
由于旷工两个星期, 他丢了工作。
Absence increased as a result of the spread of the disease.
As a result, he no longer is training in the absence of any major incident.
因此, 姚明缺席训练也就不再是什么大事件。
As a result, a positive index to easily raise the office is absolutely imperative!
因此, 积极提高辨公室轻松指数, 绝对刻不容缓!
change in the electrical conductivity of a substance as a result of absorbing electromagnetic radiation.
As a result of chloric be absorbed by human body through the skin, cause other physiology problem possibly also.
由于氯通过皮肤被人体吸收, 也可能引发其他生理问题。
As a result of the high hydrogen absorption capacity of zirconium, zirconium hydride is an excellent moderating material.
a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses
As a result, the development of online video technology in academia is in its infancy.
As a result, she would accept the money, and find the money to each other.
于是, 她将钱收下, 并找给对方钱。
As a result, to improve the acceptance of maths is an urgent task.
这样提高数学得可接受度, 就成为一种当务之急。
A promise or agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance.
As a result, UNIOSIL has been fully accepted by all stakeholders concerned.
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