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单词 in the beginning 例句大全,用单词in the beginning造句:

In the beginning of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang abolished premier system.
明初, 朱元璋废除了行逾千年的宰相制度。
You can absorb losses more easily if you take smaller risks in the beginning.
Li's mother, Wang Jie, accompanied him in the beginning and taught him how to the laundry.
In the beginning he took many small jobs to make money. She made a pile from her acting.
In the beginning, I adore you coz you are good.
一开始, 我钦佩你因为觉得你很好。
In the beginning, companies that could afford inventory were able to satisfy customer demand.
在早期, 有库存能力的公司能够满足客户的要求。
In the beginning, the bride's parents opposed her mariage, but at last, they agreed to.
Scheduled in the beginning of January, detail is to be announced later.
In the beginning, the methods used to foster the relationship appear both appropriate and professional.
In the beginning we thought we'd never get it all arranged.
在开始的时候, 我们以为不会把它全安排好。
The inverted pyramid is a writing style where the summary of the article is presented in the beginning of the article.
In the beginning, it slowly the syncline ascent rises.
一开始, 它缓缓地向斜坡上升。
In the beginning,Sanford Carter was ashamed of becoming an army cook.
We will assemble them in the beginning and possibly transfer the assemblies to you.
我们将组装他们, 并在将组装完得东西运给你们。
For a total of The semantics of hezhe by a he to assume is in the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.
Many universities began to make promotion to attract newstudents in the beginning of this year because of intense competition.
To be reviewed in the beginning of the audit.
In the beginning, no backboards were used either.
In the beginning there were a handful of restaurants and bars similar to what we have in our group.
起初, 这里只有几家类似于我们集团里的那种餐厅和酒吧。
Complete the basic training in the beginning of Saint Lo!
In the beginning, Harrison was perceived as the quiet Beatle
In the beginning he had felt well, but little by little he was becoming weaker.
I am going to China in the beginning of February.
The study will be published in the beginning of the year 2000.
I was disgusted in the beginning with their vulgar jokes.
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