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单词 in short 例句大全,用单词in short造句:

a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature.
In short, they feared absolute democracy, such as had existed in ancient Athens.
简言之, 他们惧怕古雅典式的绝对民主。
In short, they feared absolute democracy,such as had existed in ancient Athens.
In short, please do not buy a car unless absolutely need it.
一句话, 如果实在没必要的话请不要买车。
For a while he just absorbed himself in shortterm projects.
有一段时间, 他潜心于一些短期项目。
In short, evolution is far froma remote and abstract subject.
In short, there's an abundance.
Significant downturn in the index, stocks accelerated Shadie become subject main short.
在指数大幅回落中, 题材个股加速杀跌成为做空主力。
In short, we want to democratize access to information about our planet.
In short, constitution factors is irrational as criteria to judge crime accomplishment.
简言之, 构成要件说关于犯罪既遂的判定标准不具有合理性。
In short, distribution should be made only according to a person's work, not according to his politics or his seniority.
You need to find a good manager and accountant – in short you can't do it all on your own.
In short, get color management to achieve optimum quality of carton business card printing.
Over the years has been acquired by the praise abroad, and its products in short supply.
多年来一直深受国内外收购商的好评, 其产品供不应求。
The system may give prompt specific to many acquisition points of defects eliminations in short term.
In short, the British advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting.
Clinical study on diazepam in shortening labor during the active phase of labor
Objective To study the mechanism of rGH in the promotion of colonic morphologic adaption in short bowel rats.
In short, in addition to mull over the money not paid.
总之, 想来想去除了赚没的赔。
In short, the contract does damn all to address the problem.
In short, we shall adhere to our motto, seek truth from facts.
总之, 遵循一个原则, 就是实事求是。
In short, he had been administering to himself little inward remonstrances and he feared Marius reproaches.
总之, 他对这件事多少有些内疚, 并且又怕马吕斯责怪。
In short, we admire their willingness to play.
The state will levy certain taxes in advance on some commodities in short supply.
In short, I began to think, and to think is one real advance from hell to heaven.
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单词 in short 释义

  • 单词释义:简而言之,总之;一句话;简言之  [更多..]



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