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单词 in order to 例句大全,用单词in order to造句:

To Beat a man in order to extort a confession
We have to lay the sails aback in order to keep on course.
In order to speed up the process of vegetation restoration in the abandoned quarry, artificial measures should be taken.
Any nuclear disarmament policy, in order to be reliable, must involve abandonment of the policy of deterrence and the doctrine of force.
In order to abate the burden of tax, the tax revenue planning thus has engendered through utilizing.
为了减轻税负, 税收筹划便应运而生。
One day, Yao paid a visit to Xu You and in order to abdicate his throne to him.
有一天尧去拜访许由, 想要将王位让给他。
Subsequently, the abdication of Napoleon in order to put an end to his political career.
Still can massage abdomen, passivity increases alvine peristalsis, in order to prevent costive happening.
还可以按摩腹部, 被动增加肠蠕动, 以防止便秘得发生。
Players also have the ability to forfeit skills in order to pursue other interests.
Mongoose Bite No longer requires you to dodge in order to use this ability.
In order to reach these higher levels, some clairvoyant ability is required.
We study samples in order to be able to describe populations.
She had her ears pierced in order to be able to wear earrings.
In order to avoid the abnormal stock price fluctuations,the group technology in the 3 suspension.
Everyone must abide traffic regulations by bicycle in order to avoid danger.
骑自行车要遵守交通规则, 以免发生危险。
In order to extricate himself from the predicament, he took the simplest coursehe lied abominably.
为了摆脱窘境, 他采取了最简单的方法, 撒了一个弥天大谎。
in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood
Methods in order to commit or abort the transaction.
Objective In order to investigate the state and influence factors of induced abortion.
Return what can pass artwork and afforest to cooperate to adorn, change in order to abound colorific.
还可以通过艺术品和绿化的配合来点缀, 以丰富色彩的变化。
Flexibility should be maintained in order to make adjustments for the possible absence of a member for an entire session.
In order to control the absolute humidity, they bought a piece of special equipment for the archives office.
And in order to avoid that civil war it was worth subjecting one's self to absolute sovereignty.
为了避免内战, 服从于某人的绝对君主王权是值得的。
The society will offer support and opportunity to those who are poor in order to eradicate absolute poverty.
in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do that for connection.
以换取真正的自我,这是赢得关系的 必要条件。
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