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单词 the more ..., the more ... 例句大全,用单词the more ..., the more ...造句:

The more we give, the more we accomplish.
多一分付出, 就能多一分成就。
The less their ability the more their conceit.
能力越小, 就越自负。
The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs.
越和人在一起, 我就越是欣赏狗。
The less their ability the more their conceit .
The more one loves the stronger the absurd grows.
人爱得越多, 荒谬就越是强大。
The greater the power,the more dangerous the abuse.
The more knowledge you will accumulate more wealth.
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.
权力越大, 滥用职权的危险就越大。
The more active the Sun, the stronger the solar wind.
The question is more than the boy is able to work out.
The able always do more work while the clumsy stay idle
And yet the more you add, the more seems to go missing.
The more you say, the less able I am to make up my mind.
Wish the Land of Abundance more beautiful in the future!
The larger the number, the more often the ad is displayed.
To fly more missions, the wing must acquire more aircrews.
为了执行更多的任务, 空中联队需要更多的空勤人员。
The more darkness, the easier it will be able to see light.
越是黑暗, 就越容易看得到光明。
Decay. The more absorption in a hall the shorter the decay time.
The higher the level of abstraction, the more important this is.
I like the early adopters of the more taboo the more interested.
本人喜欢尝鲜, 对越禁忌的事物越有兴趣了解。
The faster the beat, the more accurate the hit or accent must be.
The more specific you are, the more we can accomodate your needs.
更具体的你, 我们就愈能容纳你的需要。
we're able to more than quadruple the productivity of the surgeon.
The woman leave. The bartender shake, indicating no more Absinthe.
There is more balance in front the more accurate the more serious.
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单词 the more ..., the more ... 释义

  • 单词释义:越...,越。。。  [更多..]



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