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单词 the more ..., the more ... 例句大全,用单词the more ..., the more ...造句:

The absorption of energy near the surface, the more means that the energy of the deep.
The more she explored, the more she became absorbed with the mystery of the environment.
Generally, the more any of these adverb is stress, the more negative the sentence sound.
一般说来, 这类副词读得越重, 句子听起来否定含义就越强。
Saturday's performance was an abbreviation of the more famous longer version of the play.
Still have, the dust of the sky wants to play down, otherwise accumulating more more many.
Abandoning the name as the boy after that is more temporarily fashionable is whole network.
The more distant the cash flows number of periods and the larger the total risk adjustment.
越是后期的现金流, 期数就越多, 而总的风险调整额就越大。
My game wife is more and more beautiful, the work is satisfactory, thanks you accompany me.
And, in all sincerity, can anything more than the absence of plunder be required of the law?
The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better the language acquisition proceeds.
The number of additional rate cuts, even more, It'shows that the more economic difficulties.
而降息次数更多, 幅度更大, 则表明经济愈困难。
More information, The American Academy of Ophthalmology has more about sports eye protection.
The more sensors that can record shaking,the more accurate the picture about possible damage.
For absolute measurement need calibration or exact learn more about the launch of the surface.
However, the number of people engaged in financial industry far more than the absolute number.
然而, 从事理财行业的人数绝对远不止这个数量。
As the index of value of species, the generalized abundance is more rationale than the number.
The more sensors that can record shaking, the more accurate the picture about possible damage.
记录地震的感应器越多, 可能受损的情形描述越准确。
It is generally believed that the more we use our brains, the more mentally active we will be.
人们普遍认为, 用脑越多, 智力就越活跃。
I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
The best way to abstain from greed is to give more, contribute more, and share more with others.
He was the more affable on the surface as secretly he became more apprehensive, felt more hollow.
Thus, the Tribunal can now even more adequately protect the rights of the parties than in the past.
The beer is bitterer, the coins are heavier, the grass greener, the advertisements are more blatant.
啤酒更苦, 硬币更重, 草更绿, 广告更讨厌。
The condition was more and more serious, the circumstances of the dyspnea all appeared, skeleton ache.
病情越来越严重了, 呼吸困难的情况都出现了, 骨骼疼痛。
The more adaptive behavior in which communicators engage, the more their cultural beliefs will change.
交际者的调整性行为越多, 其文化理念的变化越大。
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单词 the more ..., the more ... 释义

  • 单词释义:越...,越。。。  [更多..]



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