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单词 the more ..., the more ... 例句大全,用单词the more ..., the more ...造句:

The more advanced the civilization, the less powerful the individual.
The more sunlight, the more active the hornet is with nest digging.
The calculation becomes more accurate if more reference stars are used.
利用的定标星越多, 计算的精确度就越高。
The more I about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.
And the more you decide about, the decide about, the more wrong it gets.
你决定的东西越多, 它的错误也越大。
People have water riverine accompaniment, the more the more strong stem.
河岸得人们有了流水得伴奏, 越干越有劲。
The more oxygen vacancies are, the greater the charge storage ability is.
This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time.
The lioness is a better hunter than the male, more fierce and more active.
The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapour it can absorb.
More than a third of the posts in the investigation division were abolished.
The more teammates that are dead, the more money the player will accumulate.
The more goals you achieve, the more you will see how awesome you really are.
It implies that the more ribbons one has,the more achievements he has gained.
Adopt TAIWAN ANV transducer to adjust the speed, more powerful and more stable.
The more the PAC adding the lower the resistance in membrane filtration will be.
The more power you have, the more additional power you derive from the new data.
你的权利越大, 你从新数据里得到的新增权利就更多。
The higher the score was, the more severe the protracted abstinence symptom was.
The darker the color, the less light is reflected and the more light is absorbed.
The longer the grinding time is,the thinner and more active the waste residue is.
The longer the grinding time is, the thinner and more active the waste residue is.
球磨时间愈长, 废渣愈细, 表现出的活性也愈大。
I wanna be more and more from the crowded acquainted world, which always tires me.
我想远离再远离一些, 喧闹的熟悉的面孔总是让我觉得累。
Living in the abysms, I become more and more perplexed in the direction of beauty.
Afterward spreads the facial mask again, the nutrient absorption is more effective.
The simpler and more precise the feedback, the more equipped are to make adjustments.
反馈越是简单和精确, 越有利于你做出调整。
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单词 the more ..., the more ... 释义

  • 单词释义:越...,越。。。  [更多..]



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