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单词 the more ..., the more ... 例句大全,用单词the more ..., the more ...造句:

Consequently, the more accurate your subjective beliefs are, the more empowered you become as a creator.
因此, 你的主观信仰越精准, 你越有可能成为一名创造者。
The more important measurements to be made on the model are those of absolute and relative displacements.
In the happy at the end of the train, my spirit is much more abundant harvest than the harvested material.
在快乐的末班车上, 我的精神收获比物质收获丰厚得多。
With the treatment of heating the root zone and adjusting the nitrogen form, the effect is more remarkable.
但同时对根际加温与氮素形态调整, 则效果更明显。
The more choices available, the more likely they were to put all their money in pure money market accounts.
选择越多,越容易造成人们 把钱存进单纯的存钱账户中。
Besides, the more the amount of biomass adding, the better the burning feature of biomass with coal mixture.
Let the consumer and the triumphant US Switzerland harvests together abundant harvest golden autumn are more.
The more the poplar of per unit area absorbed liquid, the more its surface free energy hail in the same time.
Results The more the taxi drivers drive, the higher the rate of abnormality of the electrocardiograms will be.
He had abandoned wish of saving him, and was no longer disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture.
他不再想挽救他, 不打算再拦阻对他施用更严酷的刑罚了。
And the more we're able to be choosy about choosing the better we will be able to practice the art of choosing.
我们对选择越是挑剔 就越能 掌握选择的艺术。
The more I read, the more I meditateand the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing.
The concept of the ecosystem differs from that of the community in that more emphasis is placed on abiotic factors.
Among the more common acids are the butanoic acids, the pentanoic acids, the heptanoic acids and the octanoic acids.
To use more foreign investment more actively and effectively by constantly improving the investment environment and climate.
不断改善投资环境与氛围, 更积极有效地利用更多的外资。
The more problems you elucidate and the more comprehensively and profoundly you do so, the greater will be your achievement.
被你说明的东西越多, 越普遍, 越深刻, 你的成绩就越大。
Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut The Inuit people.
The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter.
RESULTS The determination result by chromatic aberration method was more objective and more accurate than that by visualization method.
The better the targeting, the more likely that the ads that are served up on Web sites will be relevant to individuals ' tastes and needs.
He should be more concerned about the Party and the masses than about any private person, and more concerned about others than about himself.
The busier you get, building more pages and attracting more traffic, the more ads they can sell, at ever higher rates, and the more money you make.
Andrews We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall.Some fire axes scattered about the place nothing terribly formidable.
安德鲁斯我们有一些弯刀和火斧, 没什么可怕的。
The longer the delay, the more likely it is that information obtained after the event will interfere with the original memory, which reduces accuracy.
More unfortunately, the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton had absorbed tons of water and became so heavy that he could no longer go on carrying it.
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单词 the more ..., the more ... 释义

  • 单词释义:越...,越。。。  [更多..]



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