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单词 be guilty of 例句大全,用单词be guilty of造句:

A lot of politicians were found to be guilty of accepting cash bribes.
It shall be guilty of giving bribe if managers give a secret commission to the other organisations or individuals without the normal accounting records.
He was accused and found to be guilty of all the charges brought against him.
She would be guilty of betraying her own mother.
Some of you may be guilty of having contributed to the demise of bluefin.
在座的各位中可能 就有间接导致它们走向灭绝的刽子手。
Depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy be guilty of heterodoxy be heretical and deviate from the true teachings.
The court judged him to be guilty of committing a felony.
to be guilty of complicity in the murder
be guilty of many foul deeds.
if a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from the place.
如果一个男人对他的女儿犯了罪, 他将从这个地方被流放。
For them to front an evil with plain speech is to be guilty of effrontery.
对他们来说, 与魔鬼开诚布公的讲话是一种厚颜无耻的罪过。
be guilty of heresy.
The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty of theft.
He is naive, simple and guileless; he cannot be guilty of fraud.
If a single drop of blood falls, you will be guilty of murder!
如果有一滴血流出来, 你将被控以谋杀罪!
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单词 be guilty of 释义



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