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单词 be contrary to 例句大全,用单词be contrary to造句:

It must not be contrary to any statute.
The payment of tribute they held to be contrary to the law of God.
Whether some matters are doomed to be contrary to what expects
Why now will be contrary to the strange phenomenon?
No, for that would be contrary to what it would mean for him to have passed the test.
Members shall ensure that their laws and regulations shall not be contrary to the provisions of this Agreement.
This has already be contrary to the fundamental at materialism, can produce misdirect to people again.
这既有悖于唯物主义得基本原理, 又会对人们产生误导。
英文例句大全为您提供be contrary to英文例句大全,be contrary to英文造句,关于be contrary to的英语句子,单词be contrary to怎么造句,be contrary to英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于be contrary to,英语单词be contrary to的句子,单词be contrary to如何造句,be contrary to怎么造句等。

单词 be contrary to 释义



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