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单词 be equivalent to 例句大全,用单词be equivalent to造句:

The text should be equivalent to approximately two typed pages, accompanied by a map.
作业长度需相当于两页打印纸, 并附地图。
The text should be equivalent to approximately six typed pages, accompanied by illustrations.
文本长度应约相当于六页打印纸, 并附图例。
A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command.
Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship.
Small turtle eating a meal can be equivalent to one week without eating meals.
A total increase of that magnitude would be equivalent to the population of a country larger than Australia.
Be equivalent to damp bedclothes, be belonging to self be writing self!
Blocking the quorum sensing system would be equivalent to using white noise to interfere with spoken communication, Blackwell adds.
That would be equivalent to teaching him to cheat.
Increased the default volume mix output, should now be equivalent to original CoH.
The dividend pay be equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit.
And a few small those who sell domestic sale price to be equivalent to sale price of domestic Le Fu only even 5 fold.
In tennis, this would be equivalent to overplaying in a match.
This is said to be equivalent to about onetenth of the total used by restaurants.
But as per the international standards, contents of the side letters cannot be equivalent to a treaty.
然而根据国际规则, 附函里的内容是不能等同于协议的。
The proposed retention incentive would be equivalent to one month's salary for each completed year of service.
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单词 be equivalent to 释义

  • 单词释义:相等[当]于…,等(同)于,与… 等效  [更多..]



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