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单词 of all time 例句大全,用单词of all time造句:

His Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is one of the most admired English dramas of all time.
Aesop is one of the most famous storytellers of all time.
This is my favourite live album of all time.
I think its the greatest allegory of all time.
Now I'm planning the greatest anniversary of all time.
The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write this letter for believers of all time.
One of the best Space Arcade game of all time.
Earth had prepared for a showdown, building the greatest armada of all time.
It should ensure Michael goes down in history as the greatest artist of all time.
Thorgerson and Powell summarily became the bestknown cover artists of all time.
Associate with the greatest and noblest of all times.
同历代最伟大, 最高尚的人交往。
From Pretty Woman and Atonement to The Seven Year Itch, the most unforgettable dresses of all time
She was up against the highest grossing film of all time, Avatar.
the best/ worst film of all time
有史以来最好/ 最差的电影
Who's your favorite basketball player of all time?
Michael Jordan is still the greatest basketball player of all time. He’s a legend.
Henry wins the day achieving one of the greatest battlefield reversals of all time.
It went on to sell over500, 000 copies, becoming one of the best selling poetry anthologies of all time.
这本诗选销量超过了50万册, 是历史上最畅销得诗选之一。
It went on to sell over500,000 copies, becoming one of the best selling poetry anthologies of all time.
But I am the biggest loser of all time.
Such a deal would constitute one of the biggest takeovers of all time.
The biggest humanmade bang of all time was the explosion in October 1961 of the Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb.
有史以来, 最大的人造爆炸是1961年10月的沙皇炸弹。
So we've got all this excitement, the biggest gold rush of all times taking place.
因此我们已经得到所有的刺激, 整次发生的最大淘金潮。
What was the biggest selling drug of all time when it was introduced a few years ago?
前几年刚刚问世就成为有史以来 最畅销的药物是什么?
At least now, of all times, he wanted to blot the fact out.
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单词 of all time 释义

  • 单词释义:一直,始终;有史以来  [更多..]



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