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单词 only that 例句大全,用单词only that造句:

You see, only that way, you can be able to understand him.
All I can promise is only that which can be accomplished by an honest zeal.
Only that they'd been accused of a crime and sent to prison.
Not only that, they're able to do it lap after lap after lap.
不但如此,他们能如此地开一圈 一圈又一圈
And not only that, they make the analogy to relativity theory and cosmology often.
不仅如此,他们还经常 与相对论,宇宙学进行类比
The analyst could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.
The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.
That's a number only that Congress can appreciate.
Only that you leave immediately can you attract your attention on your study!
Only that day dawns to which we are awake.
Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here.
只要知道如果我在这里, 你们就不会收到伤害就可以了。
Now not only that, I want you to take the paper clip and put it around the bill.
而且,我要把回形针 别在钱上。
He dreamt not only that one cow was sick, but that all his cattle had fallen ill.
I should come, only that I'm ill.
His blanket was wet, but he knew only that he was hungry.
饥饿驱使他往前, 直至夜幕降临。
we would not ask to have been born on the same day, but only that we should die together on the same day
不求同生, 但愿共死
Not only that, my breaststroke also made great progress.
Man loves company even if it is only that of a small burning candle.
人喜欢伴侣, 哪怕只是一根点着的小蜡烛也好。
Man loves company even if only that of a small burning candle.
人类如此喜欢伙伴, 即使有支燃烧的小蜡烛也行。
But it's not only that.
Not only that but it was moving faster and getting closer with each circle of our campsite.
Not only that, but they walk very carefully for fear of slipping.
He knew little about these tests, only that they could be carried out.
Not only that, the infrastructure is extremely well managed.
I would take my coat to the cleaner, only that it is raining.
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单词 only that 释义

  • 单词释义:除了…, 只是, 要不是因为…  [更多..]



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