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单词 over the horizon 例句大全,用单词over the horizon造句:

Treatments for more advanced cancers, however, are farther over the horizon than anybody can see.
The kite ascended over the horizon.
In another fifteen minutes, the sun would begin ascending over the horizon.
awesome storm clouds rolling over the horizon right there.
Imagine watching the sun set over the horizon whilst you capture the moment of a pride of lions stalking their prey.
Out the portholes, Europe slipped over the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.
A dark cloud loomed up over the horizon.
Complete cultural independence still lay over the horizon.
The grass dyed the green my field, the wooden horse has followed me to go all over the horizon.
When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black.
When the red rim of the sun edged over the horizon, he began shooting.
当红色的太阳刚刚在地平线上露头的时候, 他就开始拍照了。
As the solarise chromatic over the horizon, I went out to savor the loveliness of the grassland landscape.
当太阳升过地平线时, 我走出屋外来欣赏草原的美景。
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单词 over the horizon 释义

  • 单词释义:即将来临,已露端倪(同on the horizon)  [更多..]



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