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单词 on the bottom 例句大全,用单词on the bottom造句:

The accelerant pattern on the bottom of Luke's shoes, various petroleum distillate, including toluene ?
鞋底助燃剂得痕迹是一些石油淋馏出液, 包括甲苯?
At least one acceleration and displacement sensor is provided on the bottom of the storage chest.
A bowl with the rice wine, on the bottom of the refrigerator , General 3 days you can smell addition to the net.
与一碗米酒对冰箱底部, 一般3天可以闻除净。
For some pumps, a cooling chamber additionally be mounted on the bottom of the bearing body.
The toe ring is fully adjustable with an opening on the bottom.
On the Bottom Line Theory of Commercial Advertising in China
The rice is paid for by the advertisers whose names you see on the bottom of your vocabulary screen.
广告商, 你可以在词汇的底部看到他们的广告。
Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning.
There is now a built in Stopwatch and Alarm clock feature that can be found on the bottom of the minimap.
Aligns the text on the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
were on the bottom of the ocean, alive, but now being thrown back as trash.
Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom.
Spread the quark cream on the bottom layer and cover with the almond top.
I also have two antennas on the bottom of my wing.
Layer the apple slices on the bottom of each pan. Gently pour the pancake batter evenly between the two pans.
把切好的苹果排放到两个烤盘上, 把面糊分摊到两个烤盘上。
Now the Aqua Posse lights up! Simply press two sensors on the bottom and watch these cute keychains shine.
很特别的一款钥匙扣!轻触底部, 就可以从内散发五彩灯光!
and the telescopic hydraulic prop and the support system are arranged on the bottom surface of the top beam.
These ingredients are usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge on the bottom, and custard and cream on top.
The microwave system comprises a set of microwave assemblies arranged on the bottom surface of each partition layer.
The unclear direction of the trademark design, application of the arrow marked on the bottom.
商标图样方向不清的, 应用箭头标明上下方。
The sculpture on the bottom of the stone tablet showcases to perfection the artistic style of the Tang Dynasty.
Place the tile on the bottom rack in the oven, and preheat your oven while you make your dough and assemble the toppings.
准备好所需配料, 并在做生面团之前把烤炉加热。
Buoys are floating markers attached by a chain or rope to a heavy weight on the bottom of the sea.
The larvae drifted until they attached themselves to the clean shells on the bottom.
There are the same bags on the bottom shelf.
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单词 on the bottom 释义



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