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单词 for anything 例句大全,用单词for anything造句:

Butter is good for anything but to stop an oven.
I never cared very much for anything of all that.
No one in this house is auditioning for anything.
I wouldn't want to move for anything in the world.
All right. Do you have anything for us? Anything good?
I'm not here to yell at you or blame you for anything.
Are you looking for anything in the line of face creams
George's game for anything with a bit of adventure in it.
Sorry, I don't think I should apologize to you for anything.
I can't do anything! At this point, I'd settle for anything.
If you need the stewardess for anything, just the call button.
如果您有事要找空中小姐, 就按这个按钮。
I should never want to paint him in a frock coat for anything.
他要是身着长礼服, 我说什么也不会画他。
They won't ever hunt the river for anything but my dead carcass.
Anything pretty. But don't anything pink. Buy blue for baby boys.
漂亮得就行, 但是别买粉红色得, 给男孩得买蓝色得。
You may tell anything to John, He can keep anything quiet for you.
And so this approach holds for anything new that we do creatively.
这种方式适用于 我们创新的每一件事上。
I can bet my backside dollar that she wont marry him for anything.
她绝对不会和他结婚的, 这个我什么都敢赌。
If you need the stewardess for anything, you can press the button.
如果你有事要叫空中小姐, 你可以按这个钮。
And I would do anything for love, oh, I would do anything for love!
If you need the stewardess for anything, just push the call button.
如果您有事要找空中小姐, 就按这个叫人按钮。
If you want the stewardess for anything, just push the call button.
如果您有事要找空中小姐, 就按这个唤人按钮。
Often we make up words for anything which is basically rather silly.
At the same time, we should apologize to them for anything we did wrong.
I will milk her and 3 churn butter and we shall never want for anything.
This one is the call button, if you need us for anything, please push it.
英文例句大全为您提供for anything英文例句大全,for anything英文造句,关于for anything的英语句子,单词for anything怎么造句,for anything英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于for anything,英语单词for anything的句子,单词for anything如何造句,for anything怎么造句等。

单词 for anything 释义



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