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单词 Sudd 例句大全,用单词Sudd造句:

A sudden overflow of a stream resulting from a heavy rain or a thaw.
Twenty years later in a day, a moment, a second, a sudden standstill.
在二十年后的某一天, 某一刻, 某一秒, 突然停滞。
I was taken aback when she suddenly screamed.
His sudden change of opinion took his colleagues all aback.
他突然改变主张, 使他的同事们都大吃一惊。
American allies were rather taken aback by the suddenness of this announcement.
The sudden resolve had prompted her like superstitious impulse to abandon her aimless course.
The rain came down so suddenly that they had to take cover in an abandoned barn.
雨下得很突然, 他们只好在一个废弃的谷仓里避雨。
He performed a few gambols with such abandon that the child suddenly saw him to be a valuable thing.
它尽情地蹦着跳着, 孩子突然发现它是件宝贝了。
Today he suddenly realized all the mistakes he had made in the past and felt much abashed.
There was a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen and she nearly collapsed from the pain.
The right hand side of my abdomen suddenly began to hurt.
Suddenly, Bellick appears and stabs the man in the abdomen.
There may be a protrusion on one side of your abdomen that suddenly rolls right.
The effects of phased chest and abdominal compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the survival rate of patients with sudden death
he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.
他素描画得很娴熟, 突然, 艾贝提议去滑雪。
The sudden upsurge in violence last weekend in Abidjan, the commercial capital, has died down again.
在商业首都阿比让, 上周突发的暴力案件已再次沉寂。
In the dream, I found myself suddenly able to swim.
在梦里, 我发现我自己突然能够游泳。
Said one aborigine suddenly in very orthodox English.
steeply, suddenly, abruptly shatter v.
A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.
A sudden abrupt motion, such as a yank or twist.
But all their hopes were abruptly dashed when Ronnie died suddenly along with their unborn triplets.
The fourth chapter magic tracer suddenly now, The fifth chapter kidnapping Taiwanese, The sixth chapter abscond etc.
The wine son looking at him absolute side face ugg boots dedicate ones mind of facial expression, suddenly have some blush with shame.
酒儿看着他完美的侧脸和专注的神情, 忽然有些脸红。
Fortunately, some people more, after going through life, until suddenly, abstruse.

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