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单词 Trusty 例句大全,用单词Trusty造句:

Araktcheev was a trusty administrator, a stern upholder of discipline, and careful of the safety of the Tsar.
阿拉克切耶夫是忠实的执行人, 秩序的维持者, 是皇帝的侍卫
He removeth away the speech of the trusty, and taketh away the understanding of the aged.
The three des Grassins had their adherents too, their cousins and their trusty allies
这三位台?格拉桑也有他们得帮手, 房族, 和忠实得盟友。
My mother sent a trusty old amah.
During the downpour, predictably, the trusty trenches appeared onscreen.
在大雨滂沱中, 可信赖的形象出现在屏幕上。
He saw those ten lions and using his trusty arrows caused the ten lions to die.
Be fresh and innovative this year, putting aside your trusty red rose.
If evidence is considered highly trusty worthy, it is a great help in assisting the auditor with a function point audit.
如果证据被认为高度可信, 将大大有利于审计师的功能点。
With head tilted, and shoulders bent forward, he leaned on his trusty cane with each unhurried step.
他斜着头, 肩膀向前弯, 拄着藤条拐杖慢慢地走上来。
With head tilted, and shoulders bent forward, he leaned on trusty cane with each unhurried step.
my trusty old bicycle
my trusty old bicycle.
He took his trusty bike with him on his expedition into the himalayas.
Naturally, of course, I don't always have to pull out my trusty blade.
自然地, 我不总非得拔出我信得过得刀片。
Our trusty data packets ride off blissfully into the sunset of another day
We climbed inside my trusty boat.
She spent years touring Europe with her trusty old camera.
While Kevin, aided by his trusty canine friends and the worlds only flyingdog, attempts to prove his innocence and to help Chloe save her puppies, it looks as if time is once again running out for the canine community.
The trusty SIM card can also act as a debit and credit card.
You might even try the trusty old flow chart.
Having left his trusty companion to keep an eye on the smart new van, Mr.
把他值得信赖的伴侣盯着聪明的新货车, 先生。
Customer First, Quality Above All Develop Together Through Trusty Cooperation.
Cutlass and corselet of steel, and his trusty sword of Damascus.
She still drives her trusty black Corvette.
He removes the utterance of the trusty and takes away the counsel of the elders.
他废去忠信人的讲论, 又夺去老年人的参议。

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