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单词 Confirmation 例句大全,用单词Confirmation造句:

Confirmation of the Equivalent Frequency in Designing the Noise Abatement of Passenger Dedicated Lines
the two sides should strictly abide by the confirmation of the provisions concerning the statute of limitation.
Confirmation hearing in the absence of the person concerned
Absolute confirmation of this must wait a few days.
On Law's Confirmation, Abstraction and Generalization of Social Relations
The Very abundance beside answerss is subject to official confirmation.
If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.
如题公司接受上述报价, 请尽早落实定单为盼。
If you think tihs offer is acceptable to you , please cable us immediately for our confirmation.
如果你可以接受这个订单, 请立刻于我们联系。
If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation.
If you thought this offer were acceptable to you, please cable us immediately for our confirmation.
如贵方认为此发盘可接受, 请即来电以便我方确认。
If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation.
Confirmation Note will be sent on acceptance of this application.
本申请获接纳后, 会发出确认通知书。
If you find our offer agreeable, please cable us your acceptance for our confirmation.
We will send the confirmation the subscription and the password after we have accepted your payment.
当付款被确认, 本研究院将附上订阅确认通知及登入密码。
Confirmation is accomplished by demonstration of specific antibodies or by isolation studies.
Nixon talked about his accomplishments, asking for confirmation and reassurance.
However, the excerpt with confirmation of fitting in accordance with regulations must be carried in the vehicle.
You can throw confirmation slips into a shoebox, and give them accountant at tax time.
你可以把成交确认单扔进鞋盒, 在交税的时候拿出来。
The Confirmation of the Receipts Tax, Sales Tax of the Value Added Tax and Accounting Treatment.
Please reenter your new password for confirmation of its accuracy.
warrant the truth and accuracy of the information contained in this Confirmation Form.
Ticheting and labeling verify accurate ticketing of shoes and labeling of cartons against confirmation order
Nomination for the Award can be made at any time subject to written justification and confirmation of such achievements.
只要成就被书面证实和确认, 任何时候都可提名该奖。
Activate the button below to send a confirmation mail to your address.
A confirmation screen indicates were ready to activate the monitor.
这时出现一个确认屏幕, 表明我们可以开始激活监视器。

单词 Confirmation 释义

  • 单词释义:证实,确认书;〈宗〉坚振礼  [更多..]



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