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单词 time step 例句大全,用单词time step造句:

Then, begin working, one step at a time, towards their resolution.
The harvest is the child steps out the first step of time distance
Don't have too much emotion, one step at time passed very quickly.
She runs up the stairs two at a time with her light graceful step.
Because now is the time to step on the gas, not slam on the brakes.
The next step is to recruit and students face to face contact time.
They realized that it was time to step forth with a bold initiative.
Spiritual growth is sometimes tedious work, one small step at a time.
有时候, 灵命成长是冗长沉闷的工作, 一次一小步。
It was proved that the iterative method is convergent in one time step.
Three step method with three order accuracy is used for time discretion.
The one who continues to advance one step at a time will win in the end.
It's time for me to step aside and let a younger person become chairman.
Repeat the above step, but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.
I little realised at the time what a tremendously false step mine had been!
Every time, we have been assured that this one last step would bring victory.
每一次我们总是得到保证, 称这一最后步骤将带来胜利。
One step at a time, business integrity is a business growth of the Big Dipper.
I believe it has to be step by step as what you experienced and it takes time.
我相信这是由你所经历的一步一个脚印, 这需要时间。
The first step will need quite a long time and cannot be accomplished overnight.
Argued many time tax reform, now finally had to start to walk reform solid step.
争论了多时的个税改革, 现在终于要迈开了改革的坚实步伐。
Her making her way down the littered vestibule stairs, one agonized step at a time.
她用她 降低到处前庭楼梯,一步步的向我走来
You then confirmed the execution time performance improved by performing this step.
As engine rpm increases, there is less time for each step of the four stroke cycle.
当引擎转速增加, 四冲程循环每一步的时间变得越短。
She checked her makeup one last time, and then walked out with a spring in her step.
I will learn to dream with my dream of performing one step at a time to come to the.
It is time for you to step fully into Selfmastery and reclaim your Divine Birthright.
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单词 time step 释义

  • 单词释义:时间步,时间步长  [更多..]



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