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单词 time share 例句大全,用单词time share造句:

How small a part of time they share
I'll never forget the time we share together.
Another arrangement is known as a time share.
At any time to share feelings with friends feel.
They were to share that with everyone at this time.
I've had more than my fair share of troubles in my time.
The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family.
Benefit Distribution of China Merchants in Share Capital Time
The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger.
advance with the time, share the weal and woe with common people.
与时代发展同步伐, 与人民群众共命运
But, changes the time lock price locking is not to deny the share reform.
但是, 把时间锁定改为价格锁定并不是要否定股改。
Earnings per share were227.8 cents, more than double105.4 cents last time.
By Jun associated with the lack of a full moon to share this point of time!
Earnings per share were227. 8 cents, more than double105. 2 cents last time.
When it comes time for emotional support, are you able to share that intimacy?
一旦需要情感支持, 你们能推心置腹吗?
The hyenas get the bum's rush when it comes time to share the spoils of battle.
As the moon rises above the sea, we share the same time though we are far apart.
I would like to Shannon Shinagawa you and your friends to share time, share life.
I see it first time. Thanks for share! The fittings like Tibetan saber to some extent.
第一次见, 谢谢分享!装具感觉有点像藏刀啊。
Herds of seals come up to the Grand Banks specially at this time to share in the bonanza.
大群海豹特别在这时候来大浅滩 要分一杯羹
We undertake share is time, showed director people the confidence to company business base.
我们进行股份购回, 显示了董事们对公司业务基础的信心。
The answer is yes, and for the first time, it's my pleasure to be able to share two examples.
答案是肯定的,这是头一次 跟大家分享这两个例子
Near the time of MBO, net assets per share of the company show the property of upward convexity.
If you share the misconception, perhaps you should consider trying out a hearing aid for a short time.
如果您也同样误解, 也许您应该使用助听器一段时间。
NetJet owners can purchase a fraction of a plane up to the whole thing and get a proportional share of its air time.
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单词 time share 释义



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