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单词 time spot 例句大全,用单词time spot造句:

The fire brigade rushed to the spot in good time.
The fire fighter rushed to the spot in good time.
Tangier is the spot we have been longing for all the time.
Conduct daily spot check on temperature, time and pressure.
对温度, 时间, 压力进行日常点检。
You put me on the spot, I have to cook up a story this time.
I didn't know I was supposed to aim at the same spot all the time.
In no time, the hunter and the boar, both were lying dead at the same spot.
顿时, 猎人和野猪都躺在同一个地点死去。
The high vice minister is kill at this time and the spot left a red flower.
Due to the tremendous growth in Asia time, spot gold closed at an end Line.
由于亚洲时段得巨大涨幅, 现货金最终收于一根阳线。
The twins made their appearance at three oclock. How about that Spot on time.
Research on flowering time control is always the hot spot of academic circles.
You can't have been working all the time. Did you have a favorite hangout spot?
Goes to the cutin gap the time to elongate a spot, is instead better to the skin.
Fewer and fewer people would have to be on the actual spot at any particular time.
The inference of damage time is still an hot and difficult spot in forensic pathology.
Fortunately I made it to work on time, even though it was hard to find a parking spot.
Automatic Spot Welder of the Base Pin the Cam Path from Control the Cycling Time Study and Discuss
When sampling, the personnel of the import entity and those of the customs shall be on the spot at the same time.
Study on Locating the Entrance Spot of Pedicle of Lumbar Vertebra and the Successful Rate of Placement Nail One Time
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