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单词 start on 例句大全,用单词start on造句:

Your liberty to swing your arms ends where my nose will start on.
On second thought, why don't we start with much ado about nothing?
重新考虑过 重新考虑过?
I tell teams working on print ads to start by creating a billboard.
From the start, Mr Asos strategy was to capitalise on this paradox.
从一开始, 麻生的战术就是利用这一矛盾。
Each competitor will start on a signal given by the Superior Judge.
当收到总裁判长的信号后, 每位参赛者都可以开始演出。
If he were not to start early tomorrow, he could not arrive on time.
This course will start on May 5th and ends in the beginning of June.
Breakpoints can be set on all start tags, end tags and on text nodes.
This course will start on May 5 th and ends in the beginning of June.
A number of bystanders had seen him start on his coast down the hill.
So if you wanna have a hot ass Xover, you betta start workin on it now.
所以如果你想要把过人练得炉火纯青, 最好现在开始。
Calvin is going to start his aircraft and begin his travel on the earth.
卡尔文正准备发动他的飞船, 开始他的地球之旅。
that a democracy that's been based on anatomy might start falling apart?
基于解剖学上的人的民主 也许正在崩溃的时候
Operating State Study based on Thyristor in Series for AC Motor Soft Start
He had been thick with Nana, and he was anxious to start her on the stage.
Choose a first action to accomplish in your list and start on it right away.
When they first start working on something, they overrate their achievements.
Use a soft, fat brush and blow away any excess before you start on your face.
The air squadron is standing by, waiting for the order to start on a mission.
空军中队正作好准备, 待命出发执行任务。
The sailors hoistedthe flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage.
The second phase of the project will start on Aug, 1 st and end on Aug, 7 th.
Communicate on the court, and keep on playing basketball from start to finish.
场上保持沟通, 理智的处理球。
The sailors hoisted the flag and the ship was ready to start on a long voyage.
Progressive dies will have a coil start line marked on die or on the guide rails.
Amphibian animals start their lives in water, and finish their rest lives on land.
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单词 start on 释义

  • 单词释义:开始进行,找机会与…吵架  [更多..]



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