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单词 keep at 例句大全,用单词keep at造句:

Your hands can be dangerous, Watch them with soap and water to keep bacteria at bay.
你的手可能很危险, 用肥皂和水洗净它, 隔离细菌。
At night the noise from the zipping and the unzipping was enough to keep a man awake.
She thought that only an imbecile would keep at something that doomed to be a failure.
明知注定要失败还要执着, 她认为只有傻子才会这么做。
Sometimes it is convenient and time saving to keep a catalogue of relevent ads at hand.
These people don't know if they can keep themselves alive to arrive at the destination.
Just keep looking at this progress of losing and regaining awareness and learn from it.
You need to have eyes at the back of back of your head to keep that kid out of mischief.
你得多留神, 别让那孩子搞恶作剧。
The overpowering despair that he'd fought so hard to keep at bay washed through the boy.
The way he acted towards people was to keep on good terms with them at the expense of principle.
My accountant told me to keep supporting documents for business expenses for at least five years.
我的会计告诉我, 要保留至少五年的商业开销支持文件。
They may keep us awake at night and even make it hard to think in peace and quiet during the day.
它们让我们夜不能眠, 白日也不能舒适地思虑。
Ok, keep bearing left till the bank, then cross the street, I'll be waiting for you at the corner.
Inertia is the tendency of matter to remain at rest when at rest or to keep moving when in motion.
惯性就是物体保持静者恒静, 动者恒动的特性。
Should I keep at it and hope that I will love him too eventually or just try to find someone else?
When reading the book, we should keep at least a 25cm distance from the book in order to protect our eyes.
The overall effect is very comfortable and quiet, just the thing to keep the Parisian hustle and bustle at bay.
酒店舒适宁静, 完全与外面巴黎的嘈杂世界隔绝。
They had to work from early morning until late at night for a wage barely enough to keep body and soul together.
Take hula hoops. Pre-adolescents gyrating to keep a colored plastic tube spinning at waist level are endearingly silly.
We can't keep up with the demand, ' says salesman Jean-Philippe Perdriger at a Paris branch of the French sport retailer Go Sport.
When he is taken off to the police station for questioning by the fascists once again, he makes funny faces at his son to keep him amused.
If one were to attempt to grow year round, indoor gardening techniques will be needed at least during winter to keep the garden producing.
如果打算跨年生长, 冬天时将需要室内栽培技术来保持产出。
Romantics at heart with a penchant for playing the drama queen, the Lion will keep entertained with romance, fiction, drama or adventure stories.
These guys at this bar must be really desperate and have no game. They keep going to different tables to hit on girls, but they keep getting shut down lol.
After heard these words, they open their mouths slyly and barely at once and thanked me gladly. They expressed good wishes to me and hoped me keep the inspirations too.
All you need is $14,950 to reserve a week at the space camp. The deal includes hotel accommodation in Moscow, most meals and a personalized flight suit that you can keep as a souvenir.
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单词 keep at 释义

  • 单词释义:坚持;督促;备有;耽搁  [更多..]



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