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单词 keep in with 例句大全,用单词keep in with造句:

The ears remain free to keep in touch with the ambience.
The Seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or Buyer.
The police were acting hand in glove with the army to keep order in the country.
警察与军队合作, 共同维持国家秩序。
Baisheng Technology keep the technology advantage in the highest flight with the same industry.
Administration of School Rolls Should Keep Pace With Educational and Teaching Reform in Colleges
But still I will keep in mind the agreement made with you in the days when you were young, and I will make with you an eternal agreement.
然而我要追念在你幼年时与你所立的约, 也要与你立定永约。
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单词 keep in with 释义

  • 单词释义:不断讨好;友好相处  [更多..]



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