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单词 keep at 例句大全,用单词keep at造句:

Draw the way you're drawing and keep at it, because you're really good.
坚持你自己的方式不要改变 因为这样真的很好。
If at all possible, have a additional support to keep control over them.
如果可能得话, 派一些其祂单位来确保控制住它们。
This kind of autumn clothes keep you warm, I bought two at the same time.
She uses the facilities at the bath house to wash and keep herself clean.
Cesc has signed a contract at Arsenal to keep him at the club until 2014.
Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season.
First, we will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels.
Business at the store is bad. They can barely keep their heads above water.
Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep at bay.
The air force will keep fighters on strip alert at bases around the country.
Things will work out if we try to keep our attitude at the equilibrium point!
如果我们把心态平衡于等当点, 一切就会迎刃而解!
And if you keep watching him, he never looks troubled at all, always at ease.
你要是一直盯着他, 他看上去很轻松, 从来不会紧张。
keep alive the fervour of youth keep alive at all times ones youthful fervour
Were going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.
Didn't tell you to give him anything, anything at all, to keep him from crying
I keep a little list of batch process tasks at the bottom of my notebook page.
If at all possible, have a little additional support to keep control over them.
如果可能的话, 派一些其他单位来确保控制住它们。
But these kinds of numbers keep some economists and politicians awake at night.
Keep away from flame. Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.
I am like a woodpecker. when I want to accomplish something, I just keep at it.
Buildings will keep the appropriate lights when zooming in and out at nighttime.
So there's basically 13 horses running at full speed just to keep the stage lit.
Have them on vou at all times, jnconx nd keep a supply in your car just in wu ase.
他们对你在任何时候, 保持供给你的车只是以防万一。
Keep walking straight until you arrive at the east side, and you will see the door.
Keep a pad by your bed to jot down that vexing problem that jolts you awake at 2 A.
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单词 keep at 释义

  • 单词释义:坚持;督促;备有;耽搁  [更多..]



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