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单词 inquire about 例句大全,用单词inquire about造句:

I would like to inquire about the price of the new product you are promoting.
Before going to his house the first time, you should inquire about his customs.
Excuse me. I'd like to inquire about your guided tours of the Island of Hawaii.
I am writing to inquire about possible openings in your agency for a copywriter.
I'd like to inquire about a book. Do you have The Voyage of the Beagle by Darwin ?
I would like to inquire about the possibilities for advancement within the company.
I am writing to inquire about the book that you advertised in yesterday's newspaper.
Due to the time pressure, the teacher had no time to inquire about their conditions.
Sell medicine upon inquiry about illness and inquire the nature of illness Before sale
I must inquire about the file and leave for a while , May I bother you to wait a moment
我需要查询一下资料, 需要离开一会, 麻烦您稍等片刻。
But it soon became evident that the real object of his visit was to inquire about Bernard.
If in doubt, inquire at the organization to which you are applying about the preferred format.
如果有疑问, 向你所申请的机构询问其首选的格式。
Objective To inquire about the methods of developing primary eye care and prevention of blindness.
A survey questionnaire was also administered to inquire students attitude about classroom assessment.
The Inspector General conceded that his investigation did not inquire about the actions of individuals.
Inquire about a family history of sudden death, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or other organic heart disease.
Can inquire about and delete by the fact that daily record manages the daily record go along giving an alarm to possessions.
It was a standard, nonsacred area explored by every firm. It was the usual subject matter that every firm would inquire about.
这是没家公司都要问的问题, 很正常, 没什么大不了。
Confucius dispatched someone to inquire about friends from neighbouring state. Before the messenger left, he bowed repeatedly to him.
No matter when, it is what Merrill Lynch cares about that the customer cares about, welcome the incoming telegram to condescend to inquire.
The good faith that we are allotted so far with one hundred thousand is respectful welcome all walks of life friend presence , condescend to inquire about!
至此我们以十万分的诚意恭迎各界朋友光临, 垂询!
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单词 inquire about 释义

  • 单词释义:询问…的情况;打探;查询;探询  [更多..]



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