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单词 inquire for 例句大全,用单词inquire for造句:

She comes to inquire for John
Please inquire when applying for award tickets.
Please inquire for a free 115 page picture catalogue.
We are writing to inquire for recovered paper and paper board.
Inquire into Regulating Method for Load of Hanger Rods on Boiler Roof
Inquire into Production Process of Galvanizing Steel Wire for Bridge Cable
I am writing to inquire about possible openings in your agency for a copywriter.
I would like to inquire about the possibilities for advancement within the company.
I must inquire about the file and leave for a while , May I bother you to wait a moment
我需要查询一下资料, 需要离开一会, 麻烦您稍等片刻。
For inquire now of the former generation, and attend to what their fathers have sought out.
The first matter is to inquire him to work for these five annuals where, why bypass a regardless of family
第一件事是问他这五年去哪儿了, 为什么不管不顾家里?
Under such circumstances, I decided, first, we would first inquire of the secretariat of the conference for accurate information.
在这种情况下, 我决定第一, 向大会秘书处质询。
Inquire into the Efficient Combination of the System of Central Accounting Treatment and the System of Central Collection and Payment for National Treasury
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单词 inquire for 释义

  • 单词释义:查询(商店的货物), 求见(某人)  [更多..]



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