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单词 in quest of 例句大全,用单词in quest of造句:

in quest of adventure.
She had come in quest of advice.
He set off in quest of adventure.
He left home in quest of adventure.
The activity of collecting is in itself a form of impassioned quest for truth.
It is absolutely impossible to let Tom go on in this way, riding about in quest of any body.
决不能让汤姆这样干, 骑着马四处去找人。
This everchanging group of products continues to improve, providing clinicians additional tools in the quest to mimic natural dentition.
这类材料不断进步, 提供给临床医生额外的选择。
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单词 in quest of 释义

  • 单词释义:为了探索…,为了寻求…  [更多..]



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