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单词 admit to 例句大全,用单词admit to造句:

Daoism worship Lao Zi and admit to be the founder of Daoism.
To do her justice, we must admit that she did deserve to win.
说句公道话, 我们得承认她应该获胜。
Mabry dwells at length on Rice's inability to admit to error.
And she certainly intended to find a way to make him admit it.
His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.
I had to admit, I look forward to meeting heron new year's day.
我得承认, 我盼望在元旦同她见面。
I tried to spare you. You will do me the justice to admit that.
我原不想跟你破脸, 这你也得承认。
In America, people don'tnormally admit to the hardness of life.
Now I don't admit to that to anybody but my very close friends.
目前我仅对我最要好的朋友 承认我的北京。
McCabe said it's likely that more students cheat than admit to it.
And to do that, we have to admit that these questions have answers.
In this story, the lion holds the key to admit access to the castle.
在这个故事中, 狮子掌握着打开城堡的钥匙。
We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth.
If you are willing to admit faults, you have one less fault to admit.
I'll admit to the cigarettes and magazine. But that tape is not mine.
I admit that I think that it is better to be beautiful than to be good.
This time there is nothing to do. I have to admit that I've been beaten.
这次真得是无能为力了, 不得不承认我输了。
Its never easy to swallow your pride and admit to screwing something up.
I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.
The most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to.
Despite the tortures, she would not admit to something that was not true.
I'm going to get on a stage and admit, my daughter was clinging to my leg?
To be in this position is to admit that it needs some additional value too.
The difficulty is going to be how to admit the mistake without losing face.
In spit of all the evidence against her, she refused to admit to the crime.
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单词 admit to 释义

  • 单词释义:承认;允许(某人)进入…;通向;录取  [更多..]



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