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单词 ad man 例句大全,用单词ad man造句:

Man plans to propose in Super Bowl ad
计划建议, 在足球冠军赛男子专案
Conscription Ad of Singapore Army! COOL MAN!
Now, call me Mister Picky. I'm just an ad man .
If I were her. I couldn't marry with ad and ugly man.
如果我是他的话, 我就不会嫁给那个又老又丑的老头了。
Well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously typed ad.
哦, 它是死的, 安排这条误入的广告的人回答道。
The ad ends with a deaf man signing to his wife while on a business trip.
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单词 ad man 释义

  • 单词释义:Advertising Manager 广告经理  [更多..]



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