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单词 you 例句大全,用单词you造句:

You must pay careful attention when doing accounts. You're likely to make errors if you're not careful.
And hes really asking you to please, you know, save me because somebodys chasing you. So you will hide him.
You accelerate the system, the tension will increase and you will see that, you will read that on the scale.
加速整个系统, 张力会变大, 这可以从弹簧秤的读数中, 看出来。
When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often tumble off, but this teaches you how to keep you balance.
学骑车常会摔倒, 可这能教会你如何保持平衡。
If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality.
How do you explain the fact that even though you were both blind and deaf, you were able to accomplish so much?
你又聋又盲, 你是如何取得如此巨大的成就的?
One day, I understand you at last.Everything you do , you do it for me, although you say nothing abut feelings.
一天, 我终于明白你做的所有, 虽然你从不曾谈感情。
If you borrow books, you can go to the loan counter. If you return books, you can go to the discharging counter.
借书请到借书处, 还书请到还书处。
The more insecure you are, the more you will want people to serve you, and the more you will need their approval.
All right, you didn't hear the mobile ringing, but why you didn't call me back when you saw that I had called you?
You imagine that you were born at a certain time and place, that you have a father and a mother, a body and a name.
If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a little lift, or some water to drink.
如果感到头晕, 可以吃些糖果提提神, 或者喝一些水。
if someone invites you to a meal and you accept his hospitality, you will find it difficult to say anything against him
Saying that you want to be a model when you grow up is akin to saying that you want to win the Powerball when you grow up.
说你长大后想当模特 就像你说你长大后想赢彩票一样
How do you define your singing because you can be pop, you can be musical, and you can be classical? How do you define it?
Khaki tote bags and metallic suede clutch bags appeal to you, since you want your accessories to be as eclectic as you are.
You need only to breathe in and out to see that those you love are still alive around you, and you can be very, very happy.
When the day is done and you want some fun you can shake your head and you can stamp your feet and you can clap your hands.
I'll let you off today, you piece of trash. But if you dare misbehave in front of me again, I will not be that kind to you again.
Needless to say, if you were to stand at the foot of a mountain, mountains would be all around you, surrounding you, blinding you.
Know that God will be with you wherever you go and you will truly soar with the calling that God has given to you and you will succeed.
You're putting yourself, you're binding yourself, and you're weaseling your way out of it, and then you're beating yourself up afterwards.
你把自己绑起来 然后耍个手段逃脱了 然后事后就痛打自己
If you say ' you know ' too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying ' you know '.
Although you know you will not be hurt, you still duck when you see bullets and shards of glass flying towards you. For a full-on visual experience, this is the way of the future.
If you want to lead a casual life, then you can only live ordinarily; if you want to lead a brilliant life, you can only live painfully. If you want to live a long life, you can only live simply.

单词 you 释义

  • 单词释义:你;你们,您们;各位;大家  [更多..]



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